What’s inside Nice Talking with You?

Can I get a sample unit to try with my students?

Yes! Teachers, get the sample units here and get your students speaking English. Use Nice Talking with You in your next conversation class and see how it works for you.

What are conversation strategies? How do they help students with speaking English?

New to the concept of “conversation strategies?” Learn more here.

How does fluency training work? What if I have 30+ students in a class?

Even large classes of learners can be trained for English fluency. Pair work, group work, speaking practice in pairs and individual reflection all work to help learners and make teaching even large classes easier and fun!

What kind of listening material helps students with their fluency practice?

Nice Talking with You‘s classroom audio contains both scripted and non-scripted conversations, at natural speed, never slowed-down or over-articulated!! Watch this video of the author explaining (and giving samples of) what makes the unscripted material sound so good.

Inside Nice Talking with You, Text 1
Unit Topic Conversation Strategies
1 Introduction Starting a conversation
Ending a conversation
Letting your partner talk
Asking to repeat
2 Family Repeating
Getting time to think
3 Shopping Showing interest
Showing you’re listening
Introducing a question
4 Food Agreeing and disagreeing

  • positive statements
  • negative statements

Asking for more information

5 Music Asking for example
Tripling your reaction
6 Free Time Giving just enough information
Being general
7 Travel Showing surprise
Reacting to bad news
8 Sports Making summary comments
Showing indifference
9 Friends Asking for an explanation
Beginning an explanation
Checking if your partner understands
Showing you understand
10 Work Doubling the questions
Guessing the next word
11 Movies Showing you’re thinking
Getting time to think
Keeping the conversation going
12 Personal tech Letting your partner raise a topic
Raising a related topic

Inside Nice Talking with You, Text 2
Unit Topic Conversation Strategies
1 Long Time, No See! Getting someone’s attention
Starting a “catch-up” conversation
Pre-closing a conversation
Closing a conversation
2 My Place Introducing a new idea
Making a general invitation
Accepting a general invitation
3 Money Introducing a new topic
Giving a present
Accepting a present
4 Going Out Introducing a suggestion
Making a specific invitation
Accepting a specific invitation
Declining a specific invitation
5 Fashion Changing a topic focus
Giving a compliment
Asking for an explanation
Beginning an explanation
6 Learning Preparing the listener
Asking permission
Making a promise
Giving permission
7 Experience Abroad Introducing a request
Asking for advice
Giving advice
8 Health Introducing a related comment
Making an offer
Declining an offer
9 Personalities Introducing a personal question
Softening your response
Getting time to think
10 Careers Asking a favor
Describing the favor
Agreeing to help
11 Personal Entertainment Introducing a familiar topic
Asking for an opinion
Giving an opinion
Exploring the opinion
12 Something Special Starting an explanation
Summarizing your comments
Making an inference